Created for a Purpose

Everyone is created for a purpose. Even before you were born, God knew all about you. You did not decide to be born. You didn’t do anything to be born. You have nothing to do with the fact that you even exist. It was God who created you and gave you the life you now have. Regardless of the circumstances surrounding your entry into the world, it was no surprise to God. No one is born as a matter of chance. In the same way that God created the heavens and the earth for His eternal glory, so too He has created you for this purpose —to live your life for the glory of God.

Joseph was a teenager who had a dream for his life. He knew deep down inside that God wanted to do something great through him. He believed that one day he would be a ruler who would be used by God to care for His people. Even though others around him — especially his own family — laughed at him and told him it would never happen, Joseph knew God had created him for a purpose, and he believed deep in his heart that God would accomplish his dream.
God doesn’t write His plan for your life in the sky. Rather, it is revealed step by step as you grow closer to Him. In John 17:4, Jesus says that He glorified the Father by accomplishing His work. This is what it means to live life on purpose. It is living for the glory of God. It is letting go of what you want to do and living for what God wants you to do. Living life on purpose is about bringing glory to God in all that you are and all that you do. Although God has a purpose for your life, He doesn’t force it on you. You can choose whether to live for God’s purposes or not. People often press ahead in life without considering God’s plan. Years later they are discontent and discouraged.